Alabama 811


Are you planning any upcoming yard work? Safe digging is everyone’s responsibility!

Safe digging starts when you contact Alabama 811 either online or by phone. Per Alabama law, everyone, including home-owners, must contact Alabama 811 at least two full working days prior to the start of any excavation project – no matter how large or how small – especially if you are using any type of mechanized equipment. If you are unsure whether you need to notify Alabama 811 prior to starting you job, remember it is always best to contact 811 since having the utilities mark their facilities prior to excavating is a free service.

By submitting a locate request, all City utilities, as well as others such as Charter, AT&T, etc. are notified, and will come out and mark lines.

To submit a request you can simply dial 811 from anywhere in Alabama. If you are calling outside of Alabama you can call the toll free number, 800-292-8525.

You can also submit a locate request quickly and easily online, by clicking here.