Application for Right-of-Way Permit

The City of Alexander City requires that a permit be obtained prior to construction of utilities within the right of way. Complete all applicable information below and attach detailed plans of proposed construction. Plans must include the following:

  1. Delineation of right of way lines
  2. Location and path of all utilities with the footprint of the project
  3. Location and path of proposed utility or improvement
  4. Details of driveways, street crossing, etc., showing section views for bores, moles, etc.
  5. All excavation or construction methods must be clearly defined (open excavation, moling, jack and bore, directional boring, etc.)

For a detailed explanation of standards and specifications, please refer to the Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) Utility Manual, adopted as the standard by the City of Alexander City.  

***Applicant must notify the City Engineer’s office at least 24 hours prior to beginning construction.

Applicant may use the printable pdf format of the form attached below and submit via mail or email, or complete the fields below and upload documents to submit online. 

Owner of Facilities to Be Installed in the Right-of-Way

Owner's Representative Responsible for This Project

Contractor Responsible for Construction

Type of Work to Be Performed: *
Date Construction Anticipated to Begin:
Expected Completion Date:


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