Speak to Council

City Council Meetings are an opportunity for the citizens and/or public to speak on issues or concerns. Prior to speaking to the City Council, we ask that all citizens extinguish all avenues of a solution prior to completing a request to speak to Council. For example, the City Clerk may ask that you speak to a department head or the Mayor because the request or concern can be handled by said persons. 

If the issues is not resolved, you can speak to the Council during a Council meeting. One may speak about a specific agenda item or make a general comment to the Council. When speaking about a specific agenda item, each person is allowed to speak for 5 minutes. When making a general comment, each person will be allowed to speak for 3 minutes.

The City Council will listen to all comments, but are not required to take action during the meeting. Also, repetitive requests concerning the same subject matter may not be approved.   

If you have questions about speaking to the Council please contact the City Clerk at (256) 329-6700.