Board of Adjustments

Calendar Date:
Tuesday, May 12, 2020 - 4:30pm

The Alexander City Board of Adjustments Meeting will meet by teleconference and on the above-mentioned location, time, and date.

The Board of the City of Alexander City, Alabama, will hear one appeal. The appeal number is 2020-06 for property located at 603 Central Blvd, Alexander City, AL 35010.

The meeting will be accessible to all persons per the regulations pertaining to COVID-19. Anyone who would like listen to the meeting can dial 1-866-705-2554 and enter code 8684138. If you or someone attending has a disability which may require special services, materials or assistance or need further information please contact Tracy Kendrick, at (256) 329-6712.

The meeting will be held in compliance with Governor Ivey’s orders and the Open Meetings Act.